Interface PlayerOptions

interface PlayerOptions {
    accentColor?: string;
    allowFullscreen?: boolean;
    allowPictureInPicture?: boolean;
    audioLanguage?: string;
    autoPlay?: boolean;
    base?: string;
    brandId?: string;
    hideAlughaLogo?: boolean;
    hideControls?: boolean;
    loop?: boolean;
    mountPoint: string | Node;
    muted?: boolean;
    replaceMountPoint?: boolean;
    showUnlistedTracks?: string[];
    size?: ResponsiveSize | StaticSize;
    startAt?: number;
    targetScreenResolution?: boolean;
    textLanguage?: string;
    userInterfaceLanguage?: UserInterfaceLanguage;
    videoId: string;
    watchlistId?: string;


accentColor?: string

The accent color to use for styling the controls of the embedded player. Must be a valid six-character hex color with the leading "#". Also overrides your brand's color if brandId is set.

Defaults to the alugha brand colors.

allowFullscreen?: boolean

Whether the user should be allowed to switch the video into fullscreen mode. In fullscreen mode, the player control elements are scaled up for easier access.

Defaults to true.

allowPictureInPicture?: boolean

Whether the user should be allowed to switch the video into picture in picture playback mode, a small browser-controlled video player at the corner of the screen. This does not have any effects in Firefox which shows its own button for starting picture in picture mode.

Defaults to true.

audioLanguage?: string

The language code of the audio track to begin playback with. Must be an ISO-639-3 language code.

Defaults to automatic language selection.

autoPlay?: boolean

Whether to automatically begin playback of the video without user interaction. In most browsers, automatic playback is blocked nowadays. In this case this option will skip the poster with the large playback button and jump directly to the video in a paused state.

Defaults to false.

base?: string

The base URL to use for the embed of the alugha player.

Defaults to

brandId?: string

The id of the brand to retrieve accent color and logo from. Must be a valid UUID or the special string "1" to embed the video owner's avatar into the player. The brand's color is ignored if accentColor is also set.

Disabled by default.

hideAlughaLogo?: boolean

Whether the alugha logo should be removed from the control bar of the player. This does not have any effect if your alugha subscription does not support this feature.

Defaults to false.

hideControls?: boolean

Whether the player controls should be hidden. This does not have any effect if your alugha subscription does not support this feature.

Defaults to false.

loop?: boolean

Whether to resume playback when the video has reached the end.

Defaults to false.

mountPoint: string | Node

The id of or a reference to a DOM node where the player should be inserted.

muted?: boolean

Whether to start playback without any audio. This may help to circumvent browsers blocking automatic playback.

Defaults to false.

replaceMountPoint?: boolean

If enabled, the player will replace the provided mountPoint instead of appending itself as a child.

showUnlistedTracks?: string[]

The ids of unlisted tracks that should be exposed to the user. Must be an array of valid UUIDs, which reference tracks that have the visibility state "unlisted" on alugha.

Disabled by default.

The size of the embedded player. This can be an aspect ratio for responsive scaling of the player, or a static width and height in logical pixels. Logical pixels do not always equal physical pixels. For example, if the screen has a high pixel density, a single logical pixel might equal 2x2 physical pixels.

Defaults to a responsive aspect ratio of 16:9.

startAt?: number

Timestamp in seconds from which playback will start.

Defaults to zero.

targetScreenResolution?: boolean

By default, the player limits the resolution to the smallest one that covers the physical size of the player element, honoring the device pixel ratio. With this optional setting, the player instead uses the whole screen size instead of the player size as reference. You may want to activate this if your users primarily consume your content in fullscreen mode.

textLanguage?: string

The language code of the text track to begin playback with. Must be an ISO-639-3 language code or one of the special strings "auto" for automatic language selection and "force" for forced automatic language selection.

Disabled by default.

userInterfaceLanguage?: UserInterfaceLanguage

The language code to use for the user interface of the player. Must be one of the locales defined in UserInterfaceLanguage.

Defaults to the browser language if available, using English as fallback.

videoId: string

The id of the video to embed. Must be a valid UUID.

watchlistId?: string

The id of the watchlist to embed. Must be a valid UUID.

Disabled by default.

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