The translated description of the video.
The ISO 639-3 language code of the track.
The name of the language of the track. In its native version if available, otherwise in English (e.g., English, Deutsch, Italiano).
The translated title of the video.
The UUID of the track.
The ended event has no data.
The error that occured.
The pause event has no data.
The play event has no data.
The buffering progress between 0 and 1. A value of 0.5, for example, means the video has been loaded until the 50% mark.
Information about the receiver.
The event types supported by the player.
The method types supported by the player.
The URL of the embedded player.
The resetready event has no data.
The seeked event has no data.
Information about the text track (closed captions or subtitles) that will be played. Can be null if the user disabled the text track.
The translated description of the video.
The ISO 639-3 language code of the track.
The name of the language of the track. In its native version if available, otherwise in English (e.g., English, Deutsch, Italiano).
The translated title of the video.
The UUID of the track.
The total duration of the video in seconds.
The current timestamp of the video playback in seconds.
Information about the video that will be played.
The ISO 639-3 language codes of the audio tracks belonging to this video.
The ISO 639-3 language codes of the text tracks belonging to this video.
The UUID of the video.
Information about the video that will be loaded.
Generated using TypeDoc
Information about the audio track that will be played.